FAQs – Businesses, Firms, and PSIs

Pre-Certification FAQs

What resources are available for my employees in the process of obtaining their CPA designation?

We provide a variety of resources to assist your employees in their journey to becoming a CPA. For the Core and Elective modules, we have our EDGE courses and practice exams.  For the CFE, we have our CFE Prep courses and additional CFE cases. We also have our CPA Competency Map Study Notes publication that can be used for the PEP modules and the CFE.  For more information about the courses and resources we offer, please contact info@densmorecpa.com.

Do I have to register my CPA students individually online?

No, we are happy to process bulk orders and invoice you directly. Please email info@densmorecpa.com with the products you would like to purchase and a list that includes student name, email address, and shipping address. For CFE Prep registrations, also include their CFE Day 2 role, their Capstone 1 case choice, and whether they are a first-time or experienced writer. For PEP registrations, include the Core/Elective module.

How much time off is ideal for students who are writing the CFE?

For first-time writers taking Capstone 2, the module schedule is rigorous. Typically, candidates write one CFE Day 1 or Day 2 case and a CFE Day 3 case each week. Therefore, we recommend students take anywhere from four weeks to the full length of Capstone 2 off prior to the CFE. This will allow them time for writing, marking, and debriefing additional cases and completing technical review.  

For experienced writers and first-time writers who are not taking Capstone 2, we recommend at least four weeks off prior to the CFE if they are re-writing days 2 and 3 of the CFE or all 3 days. If they are only re-writing day 1 of the CFE, we recommend taking one to two weeks off prior to the exam.


What resources are available for my employees who need to complete their continuing professional development (CPD) obligations?

We provide a variety of continuing professional development courses and resources to assist your employees in meeting their CPD obligations and learning new skills. For more information about the courses and resources we offer, please contact cpd@densmorecpa.com.

Do I have to register my employees for continuing professional development (CPD) individually online?

No, we are happy to process bulk orders and invoice you directly. Please email cpd@densmorecpa.com with the products you would like to purchase and a list that includes employee name, address, and email address.


What is the cost of Densmore cases for PSIs?

Our per-student pricing is as follows:

  • Undergraduate cases – $7.50 + HST/student
  • Exam-only cases – $7.50 + HST/student
  • Core and Elective Module cases – $12.50 + HST/student
  • CFE Day 3 cases – $12.50 + HST/student
  • CFE Day 2 cases – $36.00 + HST/student
  • CFE Day 1 cases – $22.50 + HST/student
What is the cost of Competency Map Study Notes for PSIs?

Print edition: $199 + tax (two-volume set)

Ebook edition: $145 + tax

Print and ebook package: $259 + tax

Which Canadian PSIs have partnered with Densmore?
  • Acadia University
  • Bishop’s University 
  • Cape Breton University 
  • Carleton University 
  • Concordia University 
  • Edwards School of Business 
  • HEC Montreal 
  • Ivey Business School 
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University 
  • Lakehead University 
  • Laurentian University 
  • McMaster University 
  • Ontario Tech University
  • Queen’s University 
  • Saint Mary’s University 
  • Schulich School of Business 
  • Toronto Metropolitan University 
  • University of Ottawa 
  • Université du Québec à Chicoutimi 
  • University of Alberta 
  • University of Calgary 
  • University of Guelph 
  • University of Quebec at Rimouski 
  • University of Regina 
  • University of Saskatchewan 
  • University of Sherbrooke 
  • University of Toronto 
  • University of Windsor 
  • Western University 
  • Wilfrid Laurier University 
  • York University
Are Densmore materials available in French?

Our Competency Map Study Notes are available in French.

Some of our cases, including many of the CFE Day 2 and 3 cases, are available in French. To see a full list of available cases, please contact cases@densmorecpa.com.

New Certification Program FAQs

When is the New Certification Program for CPAs expected to start?

The New Certification Program is expected to be available no earlier than early 2027.

What does the New Certification Program for CPAs look like?

Currently, the New Certification Program is expected to include four modules with four post-module assessments:

  1. Fundamentals
  2. Public Trust
  3. Application and Integration
  4. Professional Readiness

Candidates may be required to complete a knowledge assessment before entering the program. Assessments may include objective style questions, short cases, and comprehensive cases. Candidates will also be required to complete the necessary practical experience requirements. We have outlined more details in our blog posting here.

Does the New Certification Program include a CFE-style exam?

The New Certification Program is expected to include a three-day summative examination to test the competencies of candidates. More information will be forthcoming on the timing and structure of the parts of this examination.

What will happen with the current certification program? Will my progress transfer to the New Certification Program?

The current certification program for CPAs will continue to be offered until the New Certification Program is available. There will be a transition period to offer the CFE beyond 2027 to allow candidates close to completion to finish under the current program. There will also be ways to transition progress in the current program to the New Certification Program. More details will be available closer to the program start date.

If I am in PREP or PEP right now, should I continue with my program?

CPA is encouraging all candidates to continue in their current learning pathway. Candidates will be supported through transition plans and/or exemptions based on modules and/or exams successfully completed.

Will the New Certification Program still have practical experience requirements?

Yes. The New Certification Program will continue to have practical experience requirements that must be met prior to program completion. The practical experience requirement is expected to be a period of 24 months, net of leave. The experience requirements will require 8 months at a foundational level and 16 months of professional experience with the proficiency increasing in line with the competency map.

Will there still be a path to obtain public accounting licensure through the New Certification Program?

Yes, there will be the option to complete the educational and practical experience requirements for public accounting licensure as part of the New Certification Program. The educational requirements will be embedded into the Public Trust module and assessment as additional optional components. For those who are not able to complete the educational requirements as part of the New Certification Program, the Post-Designation Public Accounting (PDPA) program will continue to be available as part of the New Certification Program.

Where can I find more information about the New Certification Program?

CPA will post information on the New Certification Program on their CPA Leads the Way site as it becomes available. You can download the new Competency Map 2.0 on this site as well.